Tracer System: Campaign Starts

On Monday 20th June our technical assistance team visited the first two schools in order to promote new tracer system in North Macedonia. The VET school ‘Kiro Burnaz’ in Kumanovo and VET school ‘Mosha Pijade’ in Tetovo were visited on 20 June 2022. On 21 June the school “Gostivar” was visited, too.

In addition to the presentations related to the Tracer System and the Youth Guarantee leaflets were distributed for every student. Posters were also placed on visible places in the school’s premises. Campaign will continue throughput entire summer.

The team leader Ms. Galia Bozhanova described mission and main functions of a tracer system. Since the system should trace carrier lives of graduates, crucial point for delivery of the credible results is provision of certain information and data by graduates themselves. The aim of the campaign is to encourage them to register into the system and provide brief information two times later. First in September and second in December. This will allow our experts to collect data showing how successful are graduates after leaving schools.

The International and Macedonian experts will use collected data to assess quality and efficiency of secondary vocational education in relation with the labour market demand. A tracer system shows how the content and quality of education responses to needs of employers in a field of qualifications and skills of graduates. It will show whether school education equips students by knowledge and skills necessary for finding good jobs in short period after graduation. Results will serve to manage vocational education system in order to improve position of young people in labour market.

However, the tracer system will monitor not formal education, only. While Ministry of Education and Science has selected 13 secondary VET schools to be involved in piloting of the system, national Adult Education Centre (AEC) and Macedonian Employment Service Agency (ESA) included additional 11 adult training providers. These are operators, providing vocational training for jobseekers, mostly. The training presents important and inseparable part of the VET system. Its importance is underlined by quick technology and production changes in current economy. Many people appear in risk of losing jobs because their original knowledge and skills don’t meet needs of new production technologies. Vocational (adult) training is the right response to this challenge.

If you belong to latest graduates – doesn’t matter from what secondary school or training providing by ESA for jobseekers – join us in the effort to establish modern tracer system. It’s easy and consuming just a few minutes. Click on or scan QR code

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